
WP1 - Project management

    • D1.1 - Project Shared Workspace (PSW) implemented and operational (M2) - CONFIDENTIAL
      Public Abstract: To fulfil two fundamental internal project communication requirements: i) efficient exchange between partners of information about IMMORTAL project ii) decentralised and secured archiving of the documents generated, one independent and secured web-based communication tool: Project Shared Workplace – PSW has been implemented with a restricted access for project partners only. Among all the functionalities installed on this PSW, for now partners have a total access to the following tools: Document sharing and archiving, Meeting organization, General project communication, Online working document.
      The PSW maintenance is therefore an on-going activity that will go along with the project lifetime.
    • D1.2 - TRUST reporting 2022 (M27) - PUBLIC: PDF
      Abstract: Annual data reporting (TRUST) for the calendar year 2021 has been completed for IMMORTAL for the template: Fuel cell research at stack level or lower
    • D1.4 - TRUST reporting 2024 (M39) - PUBLIC: PDF
      Abstract: Annual data reporting in SuiteCRM and in TRUST for the calendar year 2023 has been completed for IMMORTAL. All sections were completed in SuiteCRM and in TRUST for the templates
      • Fuel cell research at stack level or lower
      • Results
      • Dissemination and Exploitation
      • Safety

WP2 - Heavy-duty Stack Degradation Assessment and Lifetime Prediction

    • D2.1 - Initial protocol definition for heavy-duty accelerated stress and load profile tests (M4) - PUBLIC: PDF
      Abstract: Work package 2 of the IMMORTAL project aims to define and perform a set of stack and laboratory cell ageing tests, accelerated and load profile tests, which reflect real heavy-duty truck operation. In this deliverable a first definition of accelerated stress tests (ASTs) and load profile tests (LPTs) is presented. The single cell ASTs are based on light-duty vehicle ASTs as proposed by the U.S. Department of Energy. For the short-stack AST a novel procedure focusing on platinum issolution is proposed based on voltage cycling via the electrical load on a test bench in hydrogen (anode) and limited air supply (cathode). The definition of the LPT includes load cycling, short stop, cold soak, characterization and short stop to high load.
    • D2.2 - Initial protocol definition for heavy-duty accelerated stress and load profile tests (M14) - CONFIDENTIAL
      Abstract: Work package 2 of IMMORTAL aims to define and perform a set of stack and laboratory cell ageing tests, accelerated and load profile tests, which reflect real heavy-duty truck operation. In this deliverable, first evaluation is presented of accelerated stress tests (ASTs) and load profile tests (LPTs). The material investigated was IMMORTAL baseline membrane electrode assembly (MEA), as provided by Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells. Single cell ASTs were executed and evaluated, varying several stressors via a design of experiment approach. LPTs were performed on both single cells and short stacks and after testing, various characterisation techniques were applied, including differential cell tests and MEA cross sections.
    • D2.3 - Second end-of-testing analysis of initial HD-specific MEAs (M25) - CONFIDENTIAL
      Abstract: Work package 2 of the IMMORTAL project aims to define and perform a set of stack and laboratory cell ageing tests, accelerated and load profile tests, which reflect real heavy-duty truck operation. In this deliverable, evaluation is presented of accelerated stress tests (ASTs) and load profile tests (LPTs). The materials investigated were IMMORTAL baseline membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) and the IMMORTAL Gen1 MEA, as provided by Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells. Beginning-of-life performance was first assessed in differential single cells. Single cell ASTs were executed and the MEAs benchmarked against each other. LPTs were performed on both single cells and short stacks, and after testing, various characterisation techniques were applied, including differential cell tests and electron microscopic observations of MEA cross sections. In summary, IMMORTAL Gen1 MEAs showed initially higher electrochemical activity with further optimisation potential under high current operation, while the durability of upcoming IMMORTAL MEAs requires further improvement to meet the project target of 30,000 h projected lifetime.
    • D2.4 - Final Protocol definition for heavy-duty accelerated stress tests and load profile tests (M30) - PDF
      Abstract: Work package 2 of the IMMORTAL project aims to define and perform a set of stack and laboratory cell ageing tests, accelerated and load profile tests, which reflect real heavy-duty truck operation. In this deliverable a final definition of accelerated stress tests (ASTs) and load profile tests (LPTs) is presented. The single cell ASTs are identical to the ASTs defined in IMMORTAL deliverable report D2.1. The definition of the LPT includes load cycling, short stop, cold soak, characterization, and short stop to high load.
    • D2.5 - Final assessment of HD-specific stack performance and extrapolated lifetime (M39) - CONFIDENTIAL
      Public Abstract: A set of stack and laboratory cell ageing tests, accelerated and load profile tests, which reflect real heavy-duty truck operation, were developed in work package 2 of the IMMORTAL project. In this deliverable, evaluation is presented of accelerated stress tests (ASTs) and load profile tests (LPTs). The materials investigated were IMMORTAL baseline membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) and the IMMORTAL Gen2 MEA, as provided by Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells. Beginning-of-life (BOL) performance, AST aging, and End-of-test (EOT) performance were first assessed in differential and integral subscale single cells and MEAs were benchmarked against each other. LPTs were performed on both single cells and short stacks, and after testing, EOT performance and ECSA were evaluated as well as electron microscopic observations of MEA cross sections. In summary, IMMORTAL Gen2 MEAs showed initially higher electrochemical activity and 20 mV better performance for current densities < 0.5 A/cm² vs IMMORTAL baseline with further optimisation potential under high current operation. The IMMORTAL Gen2 MEA showed an increased aging rate vs the Pt-only baseline in the IMMORTAL short stack LPT derived and applied here. While the IMMORTAL baseline with 20mV lower BOL performance meets the IMMORTAL durability target <10% performance loss after 30,000h, further improvements in future projects are needed to reach both IMMORTAL performance and durability targets.

WP3 - Robust, High Performance Catalysts and Catalyst Layers

    • D3.1 - Cathode catalyst with better retention of ECSA and equivalent or higher mass activity than the reference catalyst (M9) - CONFIDENTIAL
      Public Abstract: A set of cathode catalysts were produced in the first 12M period of IMMORTAL to explore options that led to improved durability. The CNRS group focused on the synthesis of Pt-rare earth alloys supported on carbon. Pt-Gd/C nanoalloys were prepared using a synthesis recipe adapted from the literature. Combined spectroscopic techniques and electron microscopy analyses revealed a core-shell morphology with a Pt-Gd alloy core surrounded by a Pt-rich overlayer. The ORR mass activity, measured in a rotating disc electrode, of PtxGd/C surpassed the Pt/C Reference catalyst and, more importantly, this novel electrocatalyst presented a better ECSA and mass activity retention after the accelerated degradation test in comparison to the Reference catalyst, achieving one of the objectives of WP3 of IMMORTAL.
      JMFC progressed the synthesis of Pt-rare earth alloys and also 50%PtNi/C cathode catalysts. The Pt-rare earth alloys produced so far did not provide a kinetic benefit in 50 cm2 single cells and further development is needed. However, the results gave evidence that the 50%PtNi/C cathode catalyst developed in WP3 had a similar decay in mass activity as the Reference Pt/C catalyst, and that the extent of this decay can be reduced with the use of a recovery protocol which boosts PtNi/C mass activity.
      When applying the same protocol to the Pt/C Reference catalyst, a very minor increase in mass activity was observed. Post-mortem analysis indicated the formation of PtNi/C crystals at the cathode-membrane interface. Overall, the 50%PtNi/C developed in WP3 currently matches the project Reference Pt/C catalyst and its durability can be improved with the use of a recovery protocol.
      D3.1 therefore provides evidence of two catalysts produced in the project, 30% PtxGd/C and 50%PtNi/C, with improved retention of catalyst mass activity demonstrated ex situ with RDE set up for 30% PtxGd/C and in 50 cm2 single cells for 50%PtNi/C.
    • D3.2 - Modified support developed with improved ionomer interaction that leads to improved ionomer stability within the cathode catalyst layer (M12) - PUBLIC: PDF
      Abstract: Carbon (Vulcan XC72) was functionalised with nitrogen using a N2-plasma treatment with the aim of strengthening its interaction with the PFSA ionomer, and thereby to improve the stability of the catalyst layer. By changing the reaction parameters, this approach allows introduction of up to 5% wt. nitrogen into the carbon surface in a reproducible and controlled way. XPS analysis revealed the presence of pyridinic, pyrrolic and graphitic nitrogen whatever the degree of functionalisation of the supports. Nitrogen physisorption and pore size distribution calculations confirmed that the bulk properties of carbon are not affected by the plasma treatment, which only induces surface functionalisation. Isothermal titration calorimetry allowed the quantification of the strength of the carbon/ionomer interaction, demonstrating the role of nitrogen in promoting the adsorption of the ionomer on the carbon surface. Increasing the amount of nitrogen on the carbon black strengthens the interaction with the ionomer, with potential impact on catalyst and fuel cell performance and durability.

WP4 - High Durability Membrane

    • D4.1 – Initial data from fuel cell heavy duty trucks providing load frequency distribution (M4)  - CONFIDENTIAL
      Abstract: This report identifies the IMMORTAL reference membrane and the baseline components (ionomer and reinforcement). “Reference” refers to a membrane that is in use in industry, whereas “baseline” refers to materials that are at a certain stage of development and that represent a starting point for improvement in the future work in IMMORTAL.
    • D4.3 – Initial data from fuel cell heavy duty trucks providing load frequency distribution (M15) - CONFIDENTIAL
      Abstract: Membranes made with a range of ionomers were assessed with respect to BOL performance and durability. From the results, the membrane made with an ionomer that showed the best combination of performance, chemical durability and mechanical durability was chosen for IMMORTAL. This ionomer is selected for use in subsequent membrane manufacture in the IMMORTAL project to be combined with state-of-the-art reinforcements and radical scavenging additives.
    • D.4.4 – Initial reinforcement and chemical stabilisation components developed for membrane to extend durability that of the reference membrane (M15)- CONFIDENTIAL
      Public Abstract:
      One of the main objectives of Work Package 4 of IMMORTAL is to improve the quality of the high volume PBI electrospun material in order to facilitate the rollto-roll membrane casting process. The quality of the web and of the impregnation into it will impact membrane/MEA durability. Carrier polymer concentration, relative humidity and temperature were among the variables investigated.

    • D4.5: Novel membrane architecture using improved chemical stabilisation and reinforcement components giving increased durability membrane (M24) - CONFIDENTIAL
      Abstract: A novel architecture has been obtained for a 10 μm membrane using an electrospun nanofibre PBI reinforcement. This type of architecture has not been observed using ePTFE reinforcements. The membrane is characterised by improved tensile properties (higher modulus) and reduced dimensional swelling relative to those of earlier membrane constructions. In chemical durability testing of MEAs comprising the novel architecture membrane, minimal voltage decay was observed up to 600 hours, exceeding the target 500 hours. Combined open circuit voltage hold – relative humidity cycling testing at 90 °C to accelerate both chemical and mechanical degradation is currently at >120,000 COCV cycles, which exceeds the target for IMMORTAL Milestone 4. Excellent durability has been shown therefore in both OCV-only and Combined OCV with RH cycling accelerated stress testing, showing good resistance to chemical and mechanical degradation. 

WP5 - Highly Durable MEA Development

    • D5.1 – Initial data from fuel cell heavy duty trucks providing load frequency distribution (M4) CONFIDENTIAL
      Abstract: A state-of-the-art MEA has been specified for the IMMORTAL short stack degradation assessment activity. The MEA has been characterised for performance and degradation using AST protocols defined in Deliverable 2.1 to act as a clear benchmark for future MEA developments. 100 MEAs will have been manufactured to provide short stack components and delivered to Bosch and AVL for stack build and testing.
    • D5.2 – SoA baseline automotive components assessment in HD conditions (M12) CONFIDENTIAL
      Abstract: This work reports results from the characterisation of the State of the Art (SoA)IMMORTAL Baseline MEA. The MEA was characterised for performance and degradation using accelerated stress test and load profile test (LPT) protocols defined in Deliverable 2.1 and WP2 respectively. Furthermore, physical, and chemical characterisation of the SoA Baseline MEA was carried out using SEM-EDX, TEM and EPMA analysis. In addition, the chemical and mechanical stability of the IMMORTAL SoA membrane is reported. Subscale and stack LPT data are compared in terms of voltage decay.
    • D5.3 – Characterisation of SOA baseline automotive components in HD conditions (M12) - PUBLIC: PDF
      Abstract: This report documents the work carried out to characterise the IMMORTAL baseline membrane electrode assembly (MEA), a state-of-the-art MEA designed for heavy-duty operation. The MEA was characterised for performance in both sub-scale single cell and stack operation using load profile tests (LPT). The MEA was additionally characterised by accelerated stress tests (AST) and post-mortem analysis of the catalyst layer to allow identification of degradation mechanisms from stack level load profile tests. The growth of the Pt particles appeared to occur differently in the stack LPT tests compared to the ASTs; it was, therefore, concluded that the AST could not fully predict LPT degradation.
    • D5.4 – Initial HD-specific MEA provided for HD drive cycling assessment (M18) CONFIDENTIAL
      Public Abstract: The IMMORTAL GEN1 HD-specific MEA (membrane electrode assembly) has been specified utilising new catalyst materials from WP3, namely a stable alloy catalyst thrifted to 0.37 mg Pt/cm2, and a membrane from WP4 with a PBI (polybenzimidazole) reinforcement and reduced thickness of 10 μm.  The MEA has been assessed in a 50 cm2 screener cell tested at JM with performance and degradation protocols defined in Deliverable 2.1, for comparison against the IMMORTAL state-of-the-art (SoA) MEA.  The GEN1 MEA showed improved performance over the SoA baseline MEA even with the catalyst thrifting and was better or comparable to the state-of-the-art MEA in Pt dissolution tolerance. The carbon corrosion tolerance of the GEN1 MEA is an area that still needs further improvement in future iterations. The GEN1 MEA deliveries are now complete, with 80 MEAs having been delivered to Bosch for stack build and testing.

    • D5.5 – Final HD-specific MEA supply for final short stack validation (M34) - CONFIDENTIAL
      Public Abstract: The IMMORTAL GEN2 HD-specific MEA (membrane electrode assembly) has been specified utilising new catalyst materials from WP3, namely a stable alloy catalyst thrifted to 0.3 mg Pt/cm2, and a 10 μm membrane from WP4 with a nanofibre reinforcement. The MEA was assessed in a 50 cm2 screener cell at JM with performance and degradation protocols defined in Deliverable 2.1, for comparison against the IMMORTAL state-of-the-art (SoA) MEA and the GEN1 HD-specific MEA. The GEN2 MEA showed improved performance over the SoA baseline MEA even with the catalyst thrifting and slight benefits over the GEN1 HD-specific MEA. Performance loss was primarily due to cobalt leaching from the alloy catalyst. The GEN2 MEA deliveries are now complete, with 50 MEAs having been delivered to project partners for stack build and testing.
    • D5.6 – HD MEA development meeting the performance and projected durability targets (M36) - CONFIDENTIAL
      Public Abstract: A range of cathode catalyst materials on different supports has been assessed in this work to develop the IMMORTAL GEN2 HD-specific MEA. Further optimisation of the cathode catalyst layer was undertaken by assessing how the performance changed with PGM loading, ionomer-to-carbon ratios and the effect these changes had on the predicted stability. The short stack beginning of life (BoL) performance was also assessed and the GEN2 MEA achieved 0.99 W/cm2 at 0.675 V in the short stack testing. However, the PGM loading power density was 0.31 g/kW, very close to the target of 0.3 g/kW. Testing in the IMMORTAL accelerated stress tests as agreed in Deliverable 2.1 showed that the GEN2 MEA was unlikely to meet the project target degradation rate using these protocols. However, additional testing was performed to demonstrate the sensitivity to the voltage window during cycling, indicating that significant improvements in degradation rate can be achieved with different voltage cycling protocols.

WP6 - HD Powertrain Validation and System Recommendations

    • D6.1 – Initial data from fuel cell heavy duty trucks providing load frequency distribution (M12)  - PUBLIC: PDF
      Abstract: The development of high durability and performance MEAs for heavy-duty trucks requires the design of load profile testing adapted to the specific application. Several real-life truck missions were selected and used for the simulation of commercial heavy-duty trucks of various gross vehicle weights, electrified powertrain configurations, ambient conditions, and fuel cells. The simulation of such missions provided a significant number of load profiles for the fuel cell stack. Based on appropriate selection criteria a small number of load profiles were selected which, in turn, will be used to produce the desired load profile testing procedures.
    • D6.2 – A fuel cell degradation model for durability testing and an alternative approach for load profile creation for durability testing (M39)  - PUBLIC: PDF
      Abstract: Two new results produced by FPT in the framework of the project are presented in this report. A method for developing regression model for fuel cell degradation forecasting along with the necessary criteria for selection of the most appropriate model and a method for creating accelerated durability tests for fuel cells, based on Markov chains. Moreover, a correction in the definition of the Dynamic Throughput [1] is also given in the Appendix A.

WP7 - Communication, Dissemination and Maximising Impact

    • D7.1 - Project website (M3) - PUBLIC - PDF
      Abstract: The IMMORTAL project website is designed to fulfil project communication and dissemination needs for the benefit of the whole scientific community and the public through relevant information including:
        • project overall objectives, partner & work packages information
        • project activities: news, meetings
        • project progress: technical publications, conference presentations, public domain reports
        • project resources: links, related events …
        • project contact information
      All the partners will collectively participate in the dissemination objective of the website by providing up-to-date information
    • D7.2 - Dissemination and knowledge management protocol (M4) - CONFIDENTIAL
      Abstract: This report presents the dissemination protocol for the IMMORTAL project, the procedure for “Open Access” to peer reviewed research articles, internal rules, information on support from the EU members and the strategy for Knowledge Management within the project.
    • D7.3 - Dissemination and knowledge management protocol (M32) - PUBLIC: PDF
      Abstract: This report presents the consortium achievements in terms of dissemination and communication activities for the first 22M of the IMMORTAL project.
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